Our Product

ODC is the largest source of guaranteed Botswana production in the market. Our diamonds are sourced from Debswana, Botswana’s flagship diamond mining company that accounts for 98% of Botswana’s diamond production. Under the contractual arrangements that exist for the marketing of Debswana’s diamonds, ODC sells 15% of the full range of Debswana’s production, from rare and exceptional high value single stones through to lower quality industrial goods. The production is made available to prospective buyers in consistent market-based sales assortments and we typically sell in excess of 300,000 carats at each of our sales, which take place ten times a year. Any changes in production mix are shown in the assortment profile data that is provided to customers prior to each sale.

For more details about our sales assortments and selling prices, please download the latest Lot Breakdown that we send to our customers before each sale and the latest Sales Results which are published immediately after each sale.